350: FTL Bat (Verj
Containment Class
The object may be uncontainable
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Optimal Containment Protocols
OCP-350 is to be held within a standard humanoid containment cell.
OCP-350 is a 1m tall, female humanoid most closely related to the species Acerodon Jubatus (giant golden-crowned flying fox). The object’s most distinguishing feature is a pattern of small, circle-like shapes across the skin, where the epidermis & dermis are thin enough for the muscle to be visible. OCP-350’s muscle scatters light similarly to the sky (appearing blue under direct, white light), as well as emitting a purple glow at an intensity of 0.325 lumens.
The anomalous properties of OCP-350 include its ability to seemingly translocate at will, fast enough to dodge bullets. This ability is often associated with what appears to be a spray of black ink, believed to be a self-defense mechanism.
OCP-350 has a strong tendency towards disobeying orders and general non-compliance.
OCP-350 was discovered on breaking into a local 24-hr convenience store at 0226hrs. The object was consuming a quantity of Frooti Tooti™-brand packets of Bunni Gummis (animal-shaped, artificial fruit-flavored gummy snacks) from a display stand it had knocked onto the floor.
When spotted on security cameras by night manager xxxxxxxxxxx, the night manager approached OCP-350 in the main area. OCP-350 acknowledged the night manager’s presence, but ignored requests to compensate for damage and consumed product. The night manager produced a model name shotgun from behind the front counter. When threatened, the object vocalized hostility and hugged the unconsumed packets to its chest using its wings. The night manager fired at OCP-350, spooking OCP-350 into expelling a thick spray of black slime and dodging out of the way at relativistic speeds.
While the part of the camera in which OCP-350 would be expected to have been was obscured by a quantity of black slime covering it, OCP-350 can already be seen the on the same frame hiding on the opposite side of the display stands.
OCP officials were soon dispatched to the site when the night manager called law enforcement reporting the termination, and the communication was interrupted by a loud vocalization of distress from the night manager upon seeing OCP-350 walking around the corner to collect any packets of gummy snacks that may have survived the shotgun blast.
OCP-350 was later captured and contained, using some of the black slime residue left behind in the convenience store to train
Mobile Task Force K-nis (Bloodhounds)
Mobile Task Force
K-Nis (Bloodhounds)
The de facto "hunters" of the Federation.
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on its scent.