OCP Federation > objects > 350

Quantum Slime

V1V2V5 (latest)

350: Quantum Slime (Yaaqov Containment Class Yaaqov The object exploits its own containment protocol
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fig.1: Photograph of an OCP-350-3 Node.

Optimal Containment Protocols

OCP-350-1 Anomalous Object OCP-350-1 Amity
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is to be held within a standard humanoid containment cell with padded walls and a minimum of four (4) cameras for continuous observation at all times. OCP-350-1 Anomalous Object OCP-350-1 Amity
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is to be restrained by any means necessary to prevent self-termination.

The [REDACTED] forest near site-07.## Federation Site Site-07 Carmine research and tracking
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is to be regularly searched for instances of OCP-350-3 Nodes Anomalous Object OCP-350-3 Bloodgoop Nodes
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. Any instances found are to be destroyed using either a solution of chlorine bleach or incineration at temperatures in excess of 3000°C (3273.15°K).


OCP-350-1 Anomalous Object OCP-350-1 Amity
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is to be left uncontained and unmonitored in the [REDACTED] forest near site-07.## Federation Site Site-07 Carmine research and tracking
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. OCP-350-1 Anomalous Object OCP-350-1 Amity
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is permitted access to the civilian area surrounding site-07.## Federation Site Site-07 Carmine research and tracking
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, under the condition that all activities of OCP-350 are monitored during visits.

A minimum 2.5ml sample of OCP-350-2 Anomalous Object OCP-350-2 Bloodgoop
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reserved for tracking purposes is to be contained on site-07.## Federation Site Site-07 Carmine research and tracking
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at all times. More is permitted, but not less.

Once per month, at the discretion of the interrogator, OCP-350-1 Anomalous Object OCP-350-1 Amity
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is to be located and captured for debriefing. If OCP-350-1 Anomalous Object OCP-350-1 Amity
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’s location is not immediately obvious, Mobile Task Force K-nis (Bloodhounds) Mobile Task Force K-Nis (Bloodhounds) The de facto "hunters" of the Federation.
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is to be dispatched for subject tracking.

Debriefing is to catalog the locations and physical descriptions of OCP-350-1 Anomalous Object OCP-350-1 Amity
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’s offspring, and by extension, OCP-350-2 Anomalous Object OCP-350-2 Bloodgoop
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’s offspring. Due to a consistent lack of success when questioning OCP-350-1 Anomalous Object OCP-350-1 Amity
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regarding the locations & quantity of OCP-350-3 Nodes Anomalous Object OCP-350-3 Bloodgoop Nodes
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, such lines of questioning have been deemed “a waste of time” and “not to be bothered with”.


Outside of testing, no more than one (1) kilogram of OCP-350-2 Anomalous Object OCP-350-2 Bloodgoop
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is to be stored without walled separation. Tests involving quantities of OCP-350-2 Anomalous Object OCP-350-2 Bloodgoop
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in excess of 1kg require the written permission of the site director.


Threatening and torture are no longer to be administered as methods of extracting information. Physical restraints are permitted during interrogations, but must not give OCP-350 a sense of being trapped.


Mobile Task Force K-nis (Bloodhounds) is not to be utilized for tracking OCP-350-1 Anomalous Object OCP-350-1 Amity
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. The risk of causing an ØK-class End-Of-Death Scenario has been deemed unacceptably high.

Research into alternative means of tracking OCP-350-1 Anomalous Object OCP-350-1 Amity
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is ongoing.

Until an acceptable alternative is found, it has been deemed temporarily permissible to reward OCP-350-1 Anomalous Object OCP-350-1 Amity
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with larger quantities of fruit and moderated access to unjustifiable amounts of reproduction in the hopes that OCP-350-1 Anomalous Object OCP-350-1 Amity
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associates the Federation with consistent & convenient rewards in exchange for information, so that the object willingly returns on a semi-regular basis.


OCP-350 is a collection of objects designated ”OCP-350-1 Anomalous Object OCP-350-1 Amity
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” and ”OCP-350-2 Anomalous Object OCP-350-2 Bloodgoop
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”, in addition to a classification of anomalous nodes designated ”OCP-350-3 Nodes Anomalous Object OCP-350-3 Bloodgoop Nodes
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The anomalous properties of OCP-350 include OCP-350-2 Anomalous Object OCP-350-2 Bloodgoop
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’s ability to consciously manipulate quantum superposition probability at will. This property enables OCP-350-2 Anomalous Object OCP-350-2 Bloodgoop
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to, as most frequently observed, bring OCP-350-1 Anomalous Object OCP-350-1 Amity
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back from the dead. This property has been confirmed to remanifest a living, and sometimes more youthful, instance of OCP-350-1 Anomalous Object OCP-350-1 Amity
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at the position of an OCP-350-3 Node Anomalous Object OCP-350-3 Bloodgoop Nodes
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profile imageDr. Lastname Commented on “at the position of an OCP-350-3 Node” It is unknown how the decision of which OCP-350-3 Node is selected is made, considering OCP-350-1 can perform this action even when measurements show its brain to be at or below 0.001% activity.

It is speculated that the decision is either random, pre-determined by OCP-350-1 prior to incapacitation, consciously selected post-mortem by OCP-350-2, or made in accordance with an unknown physical law or algorithm.

Additionally of note is OCP-350-2 Anomalous Object OCP-350-2 Bloodgoop
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’s ability to modify the shape, but not the material, of anything within its near vicinity. This is most frequently seen in OCP-350-1 Anomalous Object OCP-350-1 Amity
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’s ability to “shapeshift”, as described by researchers.

profile imageDr. Lastname Commented It’s a miracle that OCP-350-2 is of such low intelligence that it is unable to comprehend how this property could allow it to easily breach containment.
OCP-350-1, however, is very much aware of its ability to dematerialize and remanifest on the other side of walls; or to simply dematerialize the wall itself.

As such, while it has been deemed completely safe to store samples of OCP-350-2 (in discrete quantities less than one (1) kilogram), the containment of OCP-350-1 has been deemed a threat to the containment of other anomalies.

It is preferred that the Federation hold good will with a docile OCP-350-1, over the risk of a site-wide “Meltdown” breach event.

OCP-350-1 Anomalous Object OCP-350-1 Amity
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is a 1m tall, female humanoid most closely related to the species Acerodon Jubatus (giant golden-crowned flying fox). The object’s most distinguishing feature is a pattern of small, circle-like shapes across the skin, where the epidermis & dermis are thin enough for the muscle to be visible. OCP-350-1 Anomalous Object OCP-350-1 Amity
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’s muscle scatters light similarly to the sky (appearing blue under direct, white light), as well as emitting a purple glow at an intensity of 0.325 lumens. Testing has confirmed this is as a result of OCP-350-2 Anomalous Object OCP-350-2 Bloodgoop
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“staining” the muscle.

OCP-350-1 Anomalous Object OCP-350-1 Amity
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displays both sentience and sapience, as well as basic fluency in the English language. It is capable of carrying on full conversations in a wide range of subjects. While the object shows curiosity towards the Federation as well as civilization in general, most conversations eventually converge on the topics of creating offspring with the interviewer or other anomalous objects. It is strongly advised that these topics are not entertained.
Research into OCP-350-1 Anomalous Object OCP-350-1 Amity
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’s knowledge of other anomalies, and how it was obtained, is ongoing.

OCP-350-1 Anomalous Object OCP-350-1 Amity
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has a strong tendency towards disobeying orders and general non-compliance. It can be made to cooperate in exchange for rewards in the form of fruit. Alternatively, OCP-350-1 Anomalous Object OCP-350-1 Amity
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cooperates consistently when rewarded with access to unjustifiable amounts of reproduction.
This is to be used sparingly however, as it comes with a high risk of contamination and/or infection. Resulting biohazards are to be contained for study, or destroyed before they can form OCP-350-3 Nodes Anomalous Object OCP-350-3 Bloodgoop Nodes
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OCP-350-2 Anomalous Object OCP-350-2 Bloodgoop
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is a translucent black, mutated slime mold (Myxomycete) of variable density. DNA tests show the object to be most closely related to the species Physarum Polycephalum.
Like OCP-350-1 Anomalous Object OCP-350-1 Amity
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’s muscle, OCP-350-2 Anomalous Object OCP-350-2 Bloodgoop
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scatters incoming blue light, and emits a purple glow at an intensity of 3 lumens per gram.

Testing has determined that OCP-350-2 Anomalous Object OCP-350-2 Bloodgoop
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is sentient and responds to certain forms of communication, but isn’t believed to be sapient.

OCP-350-2 Anomalous Object OCP-350-2 Bloodgoop
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is genetically and biologically linked to its host, OCP-350-1 Anomalous Object OCP-350-1 Amity
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. In addition to sharing identical DNA, the two objects share a symbiotic bond: OCP-350-1 Anomalous Object OCP-350-1 Amity
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’s body naturally produces OCP-350-2 Anomalous Object OCP-350-2 Bloodgoop
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as if it were its own blood. In return, OCP-350-2 Anomalous Object OCP-350-2 Bloodgoop
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circulates oxygen and nutrients through OCP-350-1 Anomalous Object OCP-350-1 Amity
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’s cardiovascular system, further acting as blood.

OCP-350-3 Nodes Anomalous Object OCP-350-3 Bloodgoop Nodes
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are points containing highly concentrated samples of OCP-350-2 Anomalous Object OCP-350-2 Bloodgoop
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. These points can have the appearance of a puddle or hole filled completely with black goo. While such nodes are confirmed to be knowingly created by OCP-350-1 Anomalous Object OCP-350-1 Amity
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, they can also be produced by any offspring of OCP-350-1 Anomalous Object OCP-350-1 Amity
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or offspring of OCP-350-2 Anomalous Object OCP-350-2 Bloodgoop
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All interviews with OCP-350-1 Anomalous Object OCP-350-1 Amity
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regarding OCP-350-3 Nodes Anomalous Object OCP-350-3 Bloodgoop Nodes
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have resulted in extremely limited success, if any. It is generally accepted among all interviewers that OCP-350-1 Anomalous Object OCP-350-1 Amity
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is either willfully lying or misremembering.


Recent interviews have shown that neither of these cases is true. Following an investigation of one of the OCP-350-3 Nodes Anomalous Object OCP-350-3 Bloodgoop Nodes
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locations provided by OCP-350-1 Anomalous Object OCP-350-1 Amity
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, it was observed that OCP-350-3 Nodes Anomalous Object OCP-350-3 Bloodgoop Nodes
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are not static as previously believed, and consciously evade observation & capture. This is believed to be a survival tactic of OCP-350 collectively.


OCP-350-1 Anomalous Object OCP-350-1 Amity
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was discovered on breaking into a local 24-hr convenience store at 0226hrs. The object was consuming a quantity of Frooti Tooti™-brand packets of Bunni Gummis (animal-shaped, artificial fruit-flavored gummy snacks) from a display stand it had knocked onto the floor.

When spotted on security cameras by night manager xxxxxxxxxxx, the night manager approached OCP-350-1 Anomalous Object OCP-350-1 Amity
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in the main area. OCP-350-1 Anomalous Object OCP-350-1 Amity
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acknowledged the night manager’s presence, but ignored requests to compensate for damage and consumed product. The night manager produced a model name shotgun from behind the front counter. When threatened, the object vocalized hostility and hugged the unconsumed packets to its chest using its wings. The night manager fired at OCP-350-1 Anomalous Object OCP-350-1 Amity
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, terminating the object instantly and splattering the floor with OCP-350-2 Anomalous Object OCP-350-2 Bloodgoop
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While the part of the camera that would have been viewing OCP-350-1 Anomalous Object OCP-350-1 Amity
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’s corpse was obscured by a quantity of OCP-350-2 Anomalous Object OCP-350-2 Bloodgoop
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covering it, an instance of OCP-350-1 Anomalous Object OCP-350-1 Amity
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can be seen in the frame immediately following the shotgun flash, hiding on the opposite side of the display stands.

profile imageDr. Lastname Commented Early on, it was suspected that OCP-350-1’s anomalous property was faster-than-light speed, but later research ‐ as well as a distinct absence of any air displacement shifting hanging products ‐ quickly dispelled this theory.

OCP officials were soon dispatched to the site when the night manager called law enforcement reporting the termination, and the communication was interrupted by a loud vocalization of distress from the night manager upon seeing OCP-350-1 Anomalous Object OCP-350-1 Amity
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walking around the corner to collect any packets of gummy snacks that may have survived the shotgun blast.

OCP-350-1 Anomalous Object OCP-350-1 Amity
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was later captured and contained, using some of the OCP-350-2 Anomalous Object OCP-350-2 Bloodgoop
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residue left behind in the convenience store to train Mobile Task Force K-nis (Bloodhounds) Mobile Task Force K-Nis (Bloodhounds) The de facto "hunters" of the Federation.
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on its scent.


TEST LOG 350 1
Date: Researcher: Dr. Lastname
Time: ####hrs Object: OCP-350-1
Location: xxxxxxxxxxxx Approved By: n/a
Goal Reproduce the anomaly observed at discovery.

A partition will be set up in the test room with enough space for OCP-350 to get behind.

With OCP-350 in front of the partition, a member of security will fire one (1) shell from a conventional model name shotgun at the object.


A puddle of black goo. OCP-350 was found completely unharmed, hiding behind the partition as expected.


The object did, indeed, teleport. Or at least move extremely fast. Either way, it is breaking causality by reaching its destination slightly before leaving its starting point.

We made sure the cameras wouldn’t get splashed this time. In one frame the object was in front of the partition spraying black goop out everywhere, and in the next frame it was on the other side of the partition just staring at the camera.

I am curious why it left behind this black slime. Perhaps it’s a diversion, akin to a squid spraying ink.



Date: Incident Type: xxxxxxxxxxx
Time: ####hrs Reported By: xxxxxxxxx
Location: xxxxxxxxxxx Object: OCP-350-?
