Cold Steel
013: Cold Steel (Verj
Containment Class
The object may be uncontainable
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Optimal Containment Protocols
All known instances of OCP-013 are to be kept in a cubical containment cell suspended 8 meters off the ground via magnetic device.
Should a new instance be discovered, MTF-4.3 (Hot Potatoes)
Mobile Task Force
4.3 (Hot Potatoes)
Deal with anomalies that pertain to temperature and time.
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are to be contacted in order to retrieve it.
OCP-013 is the collective designation for an anomalous type of metal with a similar atomic makeup to OCP-073
Anomalous Object
Wrong Water Cooler
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The reason for which is somewhat self explanatory. There are currently 70kg worth of 10 individual bars within containment.
OCP-013 is ectoentroptic, permanently fixed at exactly -43° celsius.
Physical contact with OCP-013 has a high chance of resulting in death, and is ill advised.
Additionally, exposure to OCP-013 has been known to induce emotional numbness for varying amounts of time, lasting longer with more exposure.