OCP Federation > objects > 008

Peel Out

008: Peel Out (Fuse Containment Class Fuse The object is beneficial
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Optimal Containment Protocols

All instances within Federation custody are to be kept in a standard medium/large tree containment unit and cared for as normal banana trees. All produce is permitted for use at the cafeteria site.


OCP-008 is a species of seedless parthenocarpic banana tree, and the bananas that grow on them. One of the more interesting properties of OCP-008 is that despite not having seeds, OCP-008 is capable of reproducing once an instance of OCP-008 is planted within suitable soil composed of [REDACTED].

While this property piques the interest of the Federation, the most noteworthy property of OCP-008 is that the phloem bundles completely lack friction. This has led to a high quantity of hijinks incidents.

Despite being identical to all other seedless bananas on an atomic level, OCP-008 are capable of reaching and maintaining high speeds so long as the phloem bundles are the only part making contact with the surface it is sliding on.

Testing has confirmed that the only reason OCP-008 seems to slow down at all is due to air resistance. Interestingly, after multiple generations being tested, it has been confirmed that more recent generations of OCP-008 experience slightly less air resistance, implying that it is somehow evolving in such a way that removes any and all potential forces.

It is theorized that generation 109 (18 generations from now) will be virtually unstoppable by any means.