At Least One
006: At Least One (Verj
Containment Class
The object may be uncontainable
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Optimal Containment Protocols
All instances of OCP-006 currently within Federation custody are to be kept in pre-built mansions with wire fences surrounding the premises’. Male and female instances are permitted to interact and breed. Should an instance approach the perimeter, they are to be eliminated and removed. Each house is to be given one E class civilian Citizen class E Class Individuals who have caused great pain or damage per confirmed live instance in the given house.
OCP-006 are a species of arthropod that produce exoskeletons resembling generic plastic mannequins with fully functional limbs, and several sections divided by gaps. Their main diet consists of any living animal that enters their territory, which they consume by using their proboscis that protrudes from the mouth area to inject a powerful bioacid into prey and absorbing what remains, all of which is essential to OCP-006. Because of this feeding method, OCP-006 instances do not produce waste of any kind. They are physically slightly weaker than baseline humans, and OCP-006 exoskeletons are slightly less durable and much lighter than actual plastic, and highly susceptible to fire and acids. OCP-006 instances somehow always know when they are being directly observed, with the only exception being video observation. Footage of OCP-006 shows that they are capable of locomotion by using either their legs or tiny pseudopods on the undersides or their “feet”, but only do so when they do not believe they are being observed. Even stranger is the method used to reproduce; in a fashion frighteningly similar to how humans engage in intercourse, which has proven that OCP-006 have binary sexes and understand basic tool use. When two male instances of OCP-006 are placed in the same habitat, they will actually work together to create a suitable “nest” and even share any food they are provided with. Furthermore, they will maintain each other’s wellness by any means necessary, such as self disembowelment to provide food, or caressing their partner’s ovipositor to prevent egg buildup (a condition that has proven to be fatal if left untreated). Female OCP-006 are nomadic until finding a nest, at which point they will remain in the nest and act as a sort of incubator for the males. Incubation takes around one month, at which point the female will lay however many eggs survived (recorded to be five at most). The eggs, the diameter of which averages around 0.5cm before incubation and 2cm upon being laid, will then take two months to hatch. However, the most bizarre property of OCP-006 that has yet to be observed is the ability to produce actual, non-anomalous mannequins within their environment. Because of this ability, it is unknown how many instances of OCP-006 there are in any one location. This is also the method they use to build their nests, by filling structures with mannequins in hopes of attracting more instances of OCP-006 and prey. Instances and nests of OCP-006 would be easy to identify were it not for the fact that OCP-006 females have a habit of creating “false” nests, filling abandoned structures with mannequins and promptly leaving. This was later discovered to be a method of creating nests for potential offspring. All instances outside of containment are to be terminated, while those within containment will be used for research.