The Highway 66 Mystery
004: The Highway 66 Mystery (Aleatory
Containment Class
The object is unpredictable but beneficial
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Optimal Containment Protocols
The highway around OCP-004’s affected area is to be constantly monitored at all times. A fake highway 66 is to be constructed, with the actual highway being decorated as an unfinished detour route. The entire stretch of road leading to highway 66 is to be removed from all maps and satellite images. Any and all indications available to the public hinting towards the existence of anything remotely near or akin to highway 66 are to be censored completely. Redacted documents are to be laced with class E amnestics. Individuals who are seen traveling onto highway 66 are to be considered lost and abandoned until the next Hitchhikers procedure. No personnel aside from exploration teams are permitted access to highway 66 for any reason. Site guards and staff seen attempting to enter highway 66 are to be shot immediately.
Every two weeks, an exploration team consisting of at least four E class
Citizen class
E Class
Individuals who have caused great pain or damage
citizens, one E+ class
Citizen class
E+ Class
EF class citizens who are used to fulfill a specific role that a higher ranking citizen can/should not
and two members of MTF-H25 (God’s Noose)
Mobile Task Force
H25 (God's Noose)
The team that is used when the Federation wants something done. It is composed entirely of immortal android soldiers.
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are to enter highway 66.
These trips are referred to as protocol “hitchhikers”.
The team is to walk from the research site stationed at the west end of highway 66 to the site on the east.
If any E class
Citizen class
E Class
Individuals who have caused great pain or damage
citizens survive, the mission is to be deemed a success, and Federation researchers will be dispatched to examine all collected
materials and information. The participants of each Hitchhikers procedure are given the following:
- A camera with five available photo slots on the reel.
- A fully charged black light.
- A bouquet of live flowers.
- A book containing Federation approved medical information.
- Three fully automatic high caliber firearms with at least nine spare ammunition cartridges each.
- A sub sandwich made with low quality ham, lettuce, and cheese. The team is forbidden from eating this.
- Name brand colored street chalk.
- Six anti-memetic visors, worn by the MTF operatives, three of the E class Citizen class E Class Individuals who have caused great pain or damage citizens, and the E+ class Citizen class E+ Class EF class citizens who are used to fulfill a specific role that a higher ranking citizen can/should not citizen.
- A healthy frog in a handheld glass habitat.
- The E+ class Citizen class E+ Class EF class citizens who are used to fulfill a specific role that a higher ranking citizen can/should not citizen is given a handheld item pertaining to their religion.
- At least five plastic baggies.
- A syringe containing three milliliters of Federation grade heroin.
- A shovel.
- Thermal vision body cameras. MTF-H25
Mobile Task Force
H25 (God's Noose)
The team that is used when the Federation wants something done. It is composed entirely of immortal android soldiers.
read document operatives are to retrieve these cameras upon the expiration of an E class Citizen class E Class Individuals who have caused great pain or damage if possible. - A piece of paper with the words “This is where I died” written in pencil.
- A single candle, which is to be kept unlit for the duration of the Hitchhikers procedure.
Each Hitchhikers procedure is to end once the team reaches the site stationed on the east side of highway 66. All gathered items and information is to be recorded, documented, and placed in the site vault until at least one E class Citizen class E Class Individuals who have caused great pain or damage citizen survives to the end.
OCP-004 is a series of anomalies residing on the stretch of highway 66.
The construction and use of highway 66 is well documented, and considered normal.
The exact time OCP-004’s anomalous properties manifested is currently unknown.
For years, the Federation did not recognize highway 66 as an anomalous object, partly due to how little it was used.
However, after dozens of missing persons reports, the Federation started an investigation of highway 66.
Since then, the Federation has been working diligently to obtain, catalog, and pacify its anomalous properties.
It is currently believed that if the Federation can “solve” the sequence of events that have taken place on highway 66, it will become obsolete.
OCP-004 is, at least believed to be, an anomaly forcing the world to either discover what events have taken place on highway 66 or die trying.
This is why it is Aleatory
Containment Class
The object is unpredictable but beneficial
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: there’s a chance OCP-004 is helping contain and suppress a more destructive entity or event,
buying the Federation time to prevent the issue from becoming worse.
Initial research teams sent into highway 66 never returned, and were later discovered dead with anomalous objects near their bodies.
Through trial and error, it was discovered that highway 66 is home to several horrific events, likely anomalous in nature.
It is theorized that OCP-004 is the result of these events occurring in rapid succession. OCP-004 covers a 10 kilometer stretch of highway
where the events likely took place, this particular stretch starting at a mountain side at the west, and a flattened landscape at the east.
While moving from one side of this area to the other, multiple anomalous events will occur.
These events are different every time, aside from a select few that are guaranteed to occur.
These are OCP-004-1
Anomalous Object
Highway 66 - Young girl
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, through OCP-004-4
Anomalous Object
Highway 66 - (Unintelligible)
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As of the time this is being recorded, OCP-004-1
Anomalous Object
Highway 66 - Young girl
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is considered “solved” and has been inactive for the past 8 Hitchhikers procedures.
In regards to the Hitchhikers procedure: it is understood that in order to gather “evidence” for OCP-004,
an individual will be compelled to perform a task via a memetic effect. This task will kill the individual,
but produce an anomalous object believed to be evidence of what happened on highway 66.
Some of the items are meant to be used to collect evidence, others for self defense, a few to get past OCPs OCP-004-2
Anomalous Object
Highway 66 - Wooden grave
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, OCP-004-3
Anomalous Object
Highway 66 - Wooden cabin
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, OCP-004-4
Anomalous Object
Highway 66 - Wooden cabin
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Anomalous Object
Highway 66 - Young girl
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has been solved.
The following is what a typical Hitchhikers procedure looks like:
The team will enter highway 66 from the west, and start heading east. Three individuals are to be armed with the high caliber rifles, as it has been confirmed that ethereal cars will attempt to ram individuals on the highway. Fortunately, they are significantly less durable than actual cars, and vanish after a few shots. The first E class Citizen class E Class Individuals who have caused great pain or damage citizen will die upon exposure to the first memetic effect, giving the remaining members either an item or a scene that took place the day OCP-004 manifested. Items are to be placed in the baggies, scenes are to be photographed. Because each Hitchhikers procedure has 5 expendable individuals, and scenes and items are randomized, having the ability to collect 5 of either is a required precaution. The locations of these events are also somewhat random.
For convenience, we will list an OCP-004-1
Anomalous Object
Highway 66 - Young girl
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event first.
The team will encounter a young girl, estimated to be between 6 to 8 years old. The team is to provide her with the chalk and frog.
She will then draw a scene on the street, and feed the frog a handful of crickets she anomalously produces from her hand before everything vanishes.
The girl is sapient, and is aware of her situation, even remembering past Hitchhikers procedures.
The Federation has successfully solved the sequence of events pertaining to OCP-004-1
Anomalous Object
Highway 66 - Young girl
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The girl was on highway 66 with her family, looking for a subject for a school assignment.
Tragically, while the family had stopped the car to catch a frog they saw, the car’s brakes failed, killing the girl and falling off the cliff.
The only survivor was the frog, which the girl has named “Hippity”.
The girl’s uncle wanted the life insurance he had for the family, so the uncle sabotaged the breaks.
There is a possibility this is connected to OCP-004-3
Anomalous Object
Highway 66 - Wooden cabin
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. During initial encounters, Federation staff would get eviscerated by a horde of rusted vehicles.
It was discovered that giving the girl a frog prevented this from happening.
She has since requested a box of chalk for every procedure, which the Federation has decided to allow.
The Federation took pictures of the chalk art, which depicted a man inspecting the hood of a car, a pair of large figures holding a smaller figure,
memetic kill agents, and various meaningless shapes.
Again, for convenience, OCP-004-2
Anomalous Object
Highway 66 - Wooden grave
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will be described next. At this point in the expedition, it is expected that another E class
Citizen class
E Class
Individuals who have caused great pain or damage
has been terminated,
but this is not guaranteed. The team will encounter a wooden grave on the side of the road, and a corpse in the middle of the road.
Two E class
Citizen class
E Class
Individuals who have caused great pain or damage
citizens are to relocate the body into the grave, using the shovel to assist the process.
The bouquet is to be placed on top of the grave, and a piece of paper with the words “This is where I died” written in pencil is to be ripped in half.
Past this point, it is acceptable to discard the candle. However, if the candle is not present during an OCP-004-2
Anomalous Object
Highway 66 - Wooden grave
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all members of the team will spontaneously combust. There will always be another event along with this one, causing another E class
Citizen class
E Class
Individuals who have caused great pain or damage
to die,
and providing another piece of evidence as to what happened on highway 66. OCP-004-2
Anomalous Object
Highway 66 - Wooden grave
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is the second least understood as of right now.
Current theories involve a couple having broken up on the highway, one of the members committing suicide elsewhere.
The significance of the paper has to do with the figurative nature of death. It is assumed the phrase “this is where I died” is not literal,
instead being the individual’s metaphorical death from losing their lover. The exact cause and location of physical death is unknown.
By the time the team reaches OCP-004-3
Anomalous Object
Highway 66 - Wooden cabin
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, 3 to 4 of the E class
Citizen class
E Class
Individuals who have caused great pain or damage
citizens are dead.
The team should have used the provided baggies and camera as needed for all gathered evidence thus far.
Anomalous Object
Highway 66 - Wooden cabin
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is a wooden cabin that appears in one of several undefined locations along highway 66, and constantly changes between various stages of disrepair.
The entire team is to enter the cabin while carrying all gathered evidence, as leaving it outside causes it to dematerialize,
while any members still outside are run over by a heavily charred fire truck. The space within the cabin is somewhat non-euclidean,
with the length of hallways and exact positioning of rooms being inconsistent during exploration.
However, it is possible to traverse, as the positions of rooms are always within the same general area.
While hallways sometimes have door positions that should reduce the size of the rooms they lead to, the hallways themselves always have the same number of doors.
The team is to find the main living room, which has a OCP-060 pattern rug in the middle.
The E+ class
Citizen class
E+ Class
EF class citizens who are used to fulfill a specific role that a higher ranking citizen can/should not
citizen is to take off their anti-memetic visor and be given the item pertaining to their faith.
An MTF-H25
Mobile Task Force
H25 (God's Noose)
The team that is used when the Federation wants something done. It is composed entirely of immortal android soldiers.
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operative is to shine the blacklight at the rug, and allow the E+ class
Citizen class
E+ Class
EF class citizens who are used to fulfill a specific role that a higher ranking citizen can/should not
to begin praying.
It is prohibited to make physical contact with the E+ class
Citizen class
E+ Class
EF class citizens who are used to fulfill a specific role that a higher ranking citizen can/should not
during this period. During their prayer, the E+ class
Citizen class
E+ Class
EF class citizens who are used to fulfill a specific role that a higher ranking citizen can/should not
’s cells will degenerate rapidly,
though they will somehow not stop praying until its completion. If their prayer doesn’t have a designated ending,
they will continue for anywhere between 5 to 38 repetitions. Once they finish, the resulting puddle of viscera will combust.
Anomalous Object
Highway 66 - (Unintelligible)
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is completely unintelligible, or at least cannot be properly described.