OCP Federation > objects > 001

Time's Treasures

001: Time's Treasures (Aleatory Containment Class Aleatory The object is unpredictable but beneficial
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Optimal Containment Protocols

OCP-001 is to be kept in a 5m x 5m x 5m hyperbolic time chamber set to 1:0.00001 scale (1 second outside is 0.00001 inside). This is to be increased to 1:0.000001 scale once technology provides a reliable way of sustaining such scale. Any items found inside of OCP-001 are to be sorted, contained, and scheduled for research.


OCP-001 is a wooden treasure chest dating back to . Most, but not all, items from OCP-001 manipulate time in some way, and OCP-001 refills itself whenever it becomes empty for a random period of time. The recorded refill rate ranges between mere nanoseconds to REDACTED. The more valuable something is, the more extreme the effects.


Affectionately known as “one ones” (1:1s) by staff, 1:1s are the most common object found in OCP-001. They are small gold coins matching those used during OCP-001’s estimated era. Whenever a 1:1 is exchanged for a good or service, the “spender” will reverse age by one day. The number of 1:1s produced by OCP-001 is connected to how valuable other new objects within OCP-001 would be in . Certain items have been so valuable and powerful that OCP-001 geysered out 1:1s. 1:1 instances can be melted down into normal gold with no anomalous properties.


OCP-001-2-A Anomalous Object OCP-001-2-A Time's Treasures - Saphiers
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Note: Show your next meal
s are medium-sized sapphires. Holding an instance of OCP-001-2-A Anomalous Object OCP-001-2-A Time's Treasures - Saphiers
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Note: Show your next meal
in front of someone’s eye will show them meals they will eat within the next 5 to 0000hours, the duration being determined by the quality of the sapphire.

profile imageZ5-9 Commented on “OCP-001-2-A” Stop holding instances of OCP-001-2-A to my face expecting to see my husband’s genitalia.

Not only is it none of your business, OCP-001-2-As only display actual food.


2-Bs are pearls ranging in size between 10cm to REDACTED. Physical contact with an instance of OCP-001-2-B Anomalous Object OCP-001-2-B Time's Treasures - Pearls
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Note: Inflict past disease
will inflict the victim with a disease they’ve had at some point in their life. Duration and lethality are determined by the size of the pearls, regardless of potential market value. Testing has confirmed that mental disorders such as depression can be caused by OCP-001-2-B Anomalous Object OCP-001-2-B Time's Treasures - Pearls
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Note: Inflict past disease
, while OCP-029 Anomalous Object OCP-029 Coughing Disease
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cannot be recreated. Testing has also shown that OCP-001-2-B Anomalous Object OCP-001-2-B Time's Treasures - Pearls
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Note: Inflict past disease
s work by literally recreating the exact bacteria/fungi/virus that they cause, implying that they are pulling the disease from the past for infection. All diseases can be cured by SCP-500 if the severity doesn’t instantly kill the victim. The reason OCP-001-2-A Anomalous Object OCP-001-2-A Time's Treasures - Saphiers
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Note: Show your next meal
s and 001-2-Bs are placed in the same numeric category is because they both have relatively equal value, with the smallest OCP-001-2-B Anomalous Object OCP-001-2-B Time's Treasures - Pearls
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Note: Inflict past disease
s producing the same number of 1:1s as the lowest quality OCP-001-2-A Anomalous Object OCP-001-2-A Time's Treasures - Saphiers
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Note: Show your next meal
, and the same can be said for the largest and most refined of each.

profile imageZ5-9 Commented on “OCP-001-2-B” If someone touches me with one of these, I will request they be given F class citizenship.

profile imageZ5-1 Replied And I will grant it. Z5-9 been through enough.


OCP-001-3 Anomalous Object OCP-001-3 Time's Treasures - Gold Candelabras
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Note: Alter thermodynamics
s are gold plated candelabras with varying numbers of labra, ranging from 2 to 20, totaling in 3 to 21 possible candles respectively. As expected, the number of labra corresponds with the “value” of each OCP-001-3 Anomalous Object OCP-001-3 Time's Treasures - Gold Candelabras
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Note: Alter thermodynamics
instance, but the extremity of the effects are consistent regardless of candle capacity. The potency of the effect is instead determined by the number of candles lit at any given time within a 5 meter radius, with large groups providing the most extreme effects. Whenever a candle is lit on a OCP-001-3 Anomalous Object OCP-001-3 Time's Treasures - Gold Candelabras
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Note: Alter thermodynamics
instance, the laws of thermodynamics are altered within a 30 meter radius, causing all things aside from the candles to be unable to transfer energy. This prevents electronics and muscle tissue within the affected area from functioning, and will instantly kill anything that allows their brain to enter the area of effect. The area is increased by 7 meters per candle within 5 meters of each other. However, if one OCP-001-3 Anomalous Object OCP-001-3 Time's Treasures - Gold Candelabras
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Note: Alter thermodynamics
is lit outside of the area of effect of two OCP-001-3 Anomalous Object OCP-001-3 Time's Treasures - Gold Candelabras
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Note: Alter thermodynamics
s that are within each other’s area, the first instance will have an increased range. This effect goes away once the candles are put out, which usually occurs naturally after about an hour.


OCP-001-4 Anomalous Object OCP-001-4 [undefined]
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is currently uncontained, but was one of the first things to appear within OCP-001. It was the first documented case of OCP-001 geysering out 1:1s, which occurred while it was being lifted to site-01 via helicopter. This was also during an attack from goi.01, the Rainbow Factory. The Rainbow Factory managed to seize OCP-001-4 Anomalous Object OCP-001-4 [undefined]
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, and it is unknown what it was capable of, what exactly it was, or what it was being used for before the Rainbow Factory was shut down.

I’m actually proud of this one.